The World Is Growing Up Faster And Faster
The World Is Growing Up Faster And Faster

Thursday • April 15th 2021 • 6:56:22 pm

The World Is Growing Up Faster And Faster

Thursday • April 15th 2021 • 6:56:22 pm

Prisons should not exist,

only schools and care facilities.

Money should not hold Humanity back,

it should help Humanity grow.

And at birth, every child should be granted a home,

and all the money they will ever need.

We should not tolerate broken ideas,

we should reject all that propagates them.

The schools are broken,

schools do not teach.

And one of the most important things for a student,

must be exchange programs, each semester in a different part of the world.

I will forgo writing about the meaning of legal systems,

in cities that do nothing to prevent poverty.

I won't write about Judges tolerating the difference between Fairness and Justice,

and what is in the law books.

I will not mention the second part of the 13th amendment,

and what that makes us.

I am not going to discuss,

tolerance of poverty.

I won't write about tolerance of cults that erase curiosity,

and all the things they got away with especially when no one was looking.

I will clench my teeth and won't say a word about bad teachers,

and their sick curricula.

I won't speak about bad parenting,

and arrogance.

I wasn't even going to talk about ineffective politics,

there is actually nothing to say on that subject, ZERO!

I won't talk about hospitals turning a profit,

from the sick and dying.

It is hard not to talk about losing Tigers,

but I can hold my tears back, I won't speak.

I won't mention the risks that have been taken with climate,

pollution and plastics, deforestation, melting glaciers and ocean desolinization.

I won't speak of the Holocene extinction,

but I will mention it with anger.

I won't talk about vaccine hesitancy, though like racism and crime,

it is just a basic function of lack of education and the impact that toxicity of poverty has on us.

There are many more things that I won't speak of, human right violations, ongoing slavery in wealthy nations,

children in concentration camps in both US, and N.Korea looking to the moon and wondering if someone else is looking too, and can they hear their thoughts and feel their despair.

I will leave it up to you to notice all those terrible things,

in the noble course of your own self education, as you rise to become a grown up.

I just want you to know, that the reason why you can't understand the world,

and why nobody has the answers that you need, is because nothing works.

Somethings do work sometimes,

but not always, not reliably, not for everyone, not equally.

This is not to say that the world is a bad place,

but it is IN a bad place, a bad place in its history.

The one thing that has been consistent, that we can be sure of,

is that every day, more and more people notice more and more problems.

This increase of awareness has been going on for thousands of years,

and it cannot stop, it is just not possible.

There cannot exist any borders or nations sick enough to stop it,

we are too complex, the world is too chaotic and connected.

Each day, we notice more and more broken things,

each day there are more and more people in every village and city, of every nation, noticing more and more.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a miracle,

it is incomplete, but it is a beginning it is a perfect and unerasable starting point for upcoming change.

The Global Change that will come out of nowhere,

as a function of our connectedness and the rejection of broken things.

When it finally happens,

people, especially young people, will look back at our generations with disbelief.

In their culture,

the culture of Reason... Restraint, Dignity, Nobility, Unbreakability, Fortitude, Courage, Honor, Love;

and Insight; and Foresight; and Understanding; and Authenticity; and Heroism... and Compassion and Wisdom.

The way we are today will be very unclear to them,

just like we can't understand bathing once a year, or living in caves...

They will be born to an integrated and truly modern world,

that will make ours... far too strange.