Close The Gap: Repairing Your Body And Becoming Fit Is Fast And Painless
Close The Gap: Repairing Your Body And Becoming Fit Is Fast And Painless

Thursday • September 19th 2024 • 11:18:10 pm

Close The Gap: Repairing Your Body And Becoming Fit Is Fast And Painless

Thursday • September 19th 2024 • 11:18:10 pm

Large changes to your body, require large changes to your days.

You have to workout every day, if you are bodybuilding take two days off.

Once you are fit, every other day, you can just do flimsy workouts, then.

Dumbbells is all you need, and you never sit.

You must and avoid resting, the same way joggers do.

When joggers get into jogging, their firs thing is to eliminate rest.

Joggers fee that it is not a real jog, if you have to stop.

And the same is true, for workouts.

Muscular dudes at the gym, have it completely wrong.

They plateau, lifting too heavy, to be able to shorten rest periods.

It takes them 15 years, to do what you can do in two.

And in fact getting a healthy body, is the same technique as become a bodybuilder.

Let us talk about starting first, and then about the initial stop.

You must always begin in the beginning, some people can start with 5lb.

But, even they, will benefit, with 3lb dumbbells.

Instead of stopping when 5lb. gets too heavy.

Swiftly switch to 3lb. Per hand, these are usually found in the aerobics area.

You have to cycle, your dumbbell exercises.

When you tire your biceps, lift above your head, that will let them rest.

You should lift with palms down, which is hard, but good for the chest.

And lift to the side, like a bird, that’s for upper shoulders.

But, overall, the mix of dumbbell exercises, affects your entire body, mid-section, legs.

Especially when you walk back and forth. during your lifting.

Now as you are forced to stop, it is a mix of things.

But above all, you should never exercise without music.

And you must lift to the beat of songs, therefore you must select slow songs at first.

If your songs are too fast, you will be forced to stop too frequently.

Do not dare, to just listen to a song while lifting, that is a terrible mistake to make.

You must synchronize your motion with the beats, as that allows you to enter a dance trance.

Making hours feel like minutes, this also means no distractions.

If someone is annoying you, you must complain at the front desk immediately.

You can’t have a workout without your trance, you need your focus.

That is what you are paying for a the gym, room to have a decent workout.

If that is not possible, take your dumbbells to the park.

You should also try to shake off your arms, and do some more lifting.

This restores your circulation, and often puts you in touch with your muscles.

But eventually, you just got to put the weights down, and catch your breath, and rest.

This is the same thing, that joggers, initially go through.

Your body, can no longer endure, you got to wait a minute, maybe two.

You see, this does not mean the exercise is over.

This means you sent an adaptation signal, to your system.

Now you rest, and renew that signal, this should last for an hour.

But the first few times you can just exercise for 30 minutes, then, 45, and finally that, big hour.

You should time how long you need to rest, before you start lifting again – you can use an interval timer app.

And focus on eliminating that rest, your body will be stopping you less and less.

You will be extending your endurance, in a a month or two it will be quite visible.

Once you can lift 3 or 5 pounds, for an hour with very little stopping.

That is when your real exercise routine, starts.

Until then, you are only extending your endurance.

You see results, but those are the little ones, the same kind that people get from hitting a plateau.

Where they lift too much, and can’t close any gaps, as they just get shut down to soon.

Once you can do an hour of lifting, non-stop, you go into the express mode.

Because what you are now doing, is an endurance based body transformation.

You borrow the wisdom of the hikers, and you eat some nuts and dried fruit.

Not a lot, and absolutely no candy, as the sugar form that will give you a headache.

And you barely get any days off, so it is going to be a pretty crappy workout.

Just mixed nuts, and dried fruit, soaked in initially hot water overnight to protect your teeth.

You just need enough to complete your routine, and not feel fatigued too much, afterwards.

Finally, once you close the rest gap, and start feeling like you have energy to spare.

You must use that energy, you must always leave the gym a little bit messed up, not just tired.

You may add extra 30 minutes to your workout, though be careful, working out for multiple hours per day demands electrolytes.

You, can speed up your music, or learn the Melbourne shuffle and shuffle dancing, and incorporate that.

You can add, wrist weights, consider adding one pound at a time for each wrist, the body adapts slowly.

The five pound spacing you see between dumbbells, is too much, don’t even try leaping by 5 pounds, as that will force you to a plateau.

You can add leg weights, you won’t even feel 5 pounds per leg, but this will help you burn more calories.

You can put on a weight vest, this will give you abdominal muscles and help your legs.

Somewhat interestingly, as you go to higher weights, you will need to go back to slower songs, as inertia takes times.

The heavier your weights, and more protein in your system, the bigger the muscle, but you don’t need to go higher than 20 lb per hand.

25 is too much, 17.5 seems pretty good for bodybuilding, as the inertial forces are still manageable.

And if you stay between 7.5 and 12.5, you will be burning your fat, and putting on muscle, at just about 50/50.

7.5lb is especially nice for shuffle dancing, and thus burning fat fast, but you need a concrete surface with a sprinkle of fine sand to slide.

If you work out on rubber sneakers on a rubber gym mat, you will hurt your feet.

Lastly, the first three weeks at the gym are going to be painful, because you are awakening your body from a sedimentary lifestyle.

That is a very sickly lifestyle where your body thinks you are in trouble, and is trying to make you comfortable.

Just ignore the aches, show up every other day, skip a day or two, these will go away, in a couple of weeks as your body begins living again.

That pain has nothing to do with exercise, you put that pain there by not taking care of your body.

So you are on the right path, you are just healing.

The pain goes away so quickly, rum rats barely ever remember it was there when they started.

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