A Trail Towards Real Education
A Trail Towards Real Education

Sunday • August 13th 2023 • 11:44:52 pm

A Trail Towards Real Education

Sunday • August 13th 2023 • 11:44:52 pm

When students ask why the need math, they are not saying they don’t need it.

And they still believe in the teachers, even after they reply with that old:

“You won’t always have a calculator at hand”, of whatever is its current equivalent.

Here, students identify a problem, just like any brilliant mind would.

They just don’t know what to ask for, as they are being kept in a constant state of doubt and threat.

They are asking for context, and for interconnectedness of knowledge.

No one ever asks, “What do I need reading and writing for?”

Because the context is right there, for reading books, posters, labels; and taking notes.

Reading and writing is precious and useful, and so is much of early math.

But students need real context, to make the more abstract education more valuable.

Schools must become startup accelerators, and education must be explained as an exit from poverty.

To effectively learn mathematics, students need to learn programming first.

And begin using the more precise syntax, and visualization & simulation capabilities that computers provide.

And here they can choose, programming Art, or Music, or Games.

Here, like with reading and writing, no one will ask what they need trigonometry for.

They will need it to finish their game or game engine, so that they can get it out on a marketplace.

As a result, they will be able to afford computers, and eventually their own apartment, and freedom from poverty.

Student progress must not be judged by teachers, but by the results their lectures have on the student’s life.

If teachers just make up grades to stay under the radar, and schools just take student money.

Then, that is not enough.

Education, without real context, is too primitive.

Finally, subject divisions, are an infantile fantasy.

That could only be made up by arrogant little men, with their over-inflated egos.

A real school, does not have subject divisions.

Nor does it present cute lectures, on topics irrelevant to the rise of the student.

Real education is self directed, the topics are unique and complex.

The students don’t need teachers, but access to like minded students and graduates.

Narrated books written by clear thinkers, video lectures, and well trained language models or AI.

Arrogant and ignorant teachers, with their low quality effort, and lectures.

Their infantile subject divisions, and unethical punishment, just get in the way of real education and the success that it must stand for.

The future generations deserve better, they depend on us, to guide them towards real and effective education.

Today, the most profound we have, are still the great adventure trails, combined with the many narrated books written by clear thinking great beings…

These out in nature, and away from punishment, eventually help the students understand, that to grow up, means to grow all the way up.

Until they too, become great beings.