Fitness Above All; Before You Take Care Of Others, You Must Take Care Of Yourself
Fitness Above All; Before You Take Care Of Others, You Must Take Care Of Yourself

Friday • August 23rd 2024 • 12:43:46 am

Fitness Above All; Before You Take Care Of Others, You Must Take Care Of Yourself

Friday • August 23rd 2024 • 12:43:46 am

The hardest thing, is breaking with unhealthy ways.

That, and nothing else, is really the problem, with establishing a new routine.

It is why we must choose long adventure trails, over just signing up for the gym.

Gym is a difficult place, and adventure gives life.

To really help someone, is to be there for them for as long as we can.

And that means, some measure temporary discomfort.

It is wrong to assume, extending our lives is just a mere choice.

It is a great battle, the battle for survival.

There will be tears, there will be aches.

There will be failure and retries, and it will be hard.

But above all, it is not a choice, it is already chosen.

Survival, is what we do, it is our duty.

We can’t live with obesity, as that in it self

Before long, breaks our promises, to otehrs.

So as we get ill from overwork, we have to stop and make repairs.

We can’t say to ourselves: “later”.

As that actually means, abandoning those we care for in the long run.

Our health, must come first, so that we are there.

So that we are around, to carry-out our duties.

That means personal fitness, is more important...

Than bringing those we care for, immediate comfort.

To be there, we must live long, to be there, we must choose health.

If you can break out of obesity at the gym, then please do so.

But know that the gym, is the hardest way to go about it.

The great trails while most challenging, are the best way.

The Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and The Continental Divide Trail.

Will each require six months of your time, and many months of preparation.

But your return to health, will already take root.

As you start practicing hiking, and camping.

All you ever see at the gym, is the same four walls.

But out in nature, everything is beautiful.

And that beauty, is what will keep you returning for more.

Until eventually, your weekend adventure, becomes a six months long expedition.

No one who cares about you, will hold healing, against you.

People who care about you, will celebrate your every step.

Whether it is yet another attempt, at thorough-hiking.

Or a new section hike, that will bring you home on weekends.

When our bodies are given a chance, they will heal very quickly.

What takes others years, or sadly a lifetime. will only take you months on the trail.

And as you return to your duties, another adventure to balance your life with come.

As not only does adventure heal you, but it also keeps you healthy and strong.

Make room for balance and health in your life, allow the wild to call to you.

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