Think Of Your Body As An Animal
Think Of Your Body As An Animal

Thursday • August 1st 2024 • 7:48:22 pm

Think Of Your Body As An Animal

Thursday • August 1st 2024 • 7:48:22 pm

You wouldn't stress your fat or old cat, dog, or horse to the maximum, because you would be worried that they may get hurt.

But knowing that fitness would make their aches go away, and put them into a state of second youth.

You would begin strategizing, on how to do it right, and the same applies to your body.

Your body is an animal, and if you take really good care of it, you will live past a hundred, and with the invention of AI, maybe longer.

You may not weigh yourself down to a point where you can barely walk, that is dangerous, especially in the beginning, and still dangerous when you are fit.

And this isn’t just about safety, which many people would ignore, in hopes of advancing faster, which is where the second issue lies.

Mightily and dangerously walking for five minutes, aside from being dangerous, is the slowest way to get fit, and it may trick you into a permanent plateau.

A permanent plateau is where your weight are so heavy, that your body shuts you down, before ever receiving the signals to adapt.

Now, it is a very informative start, however, because it allows you to understand how a real and powerful exercise works.

You pick the heaviest weights that you can carry, without your body forcing you to stop.

That is it, that is the full secret, to rejecting aging, to becoming fit, to staying fit, to nearly effortlessly building muscle, and to never getting hurt.

After a little while, yo will discover that you can go on longer, and lift slightly heavier – this means your body, the animal that loves you…

Heard you loud and clear, and it has adapted to the challenge, meeting your new fitness requirement.

At which point, enjoy your new strength, for a tiny little bit, being stronger, means that while you are lifting you are also resting.

Don’t jump to higher weight right away, let your body lift, and then plan to raise your weights by no more than two pounds.

The main dumbbells at my gym are spaced by five pounds, that is too much, that is too big of a gap.

And if you make that leap, guess where you will end up? The permanent plateau zone, where your body stops you without adaptation.

Dumbbells, are actually the only equipment you need, as muscle isolation will cause you other muscles to be too weak.

Standing up with dumbbells, affects your entire body, walking with dumbbells is a great start, jogging with them the next step.

And finally twisting and turning to beats of slow music, is probably best, as it helps you to lift dumbbells, above, to the side, in front and curl.

Jogging with dumbbells above your head, is just not the brightest idea.

And just like you have to increase the weight of your dumbbells, to stay on the very edge of what your body can handle without stopping you, much.

You have to extend your workout duration, and spend time on selecting faster workout songs.

There is one special case, and that is when you are just starting out, it may just be to hard to lift three or five pounds for 45 minutes or an hour, non-stop.

For a few weeks you may need to start and stop, and start and stop, but you have to time your durations very precisely….

So that your body adapts to eliminate the rest periods, this is similar to how joggers learn to run their route non-stop.

You will need an interval timer for this, either find a free app, or buy a no brand electronic clip on version.

Please make sure they have a vibrate function, to buzz you in, so that you don’t have to check the time.

Dance trance is a very important part of a good workout, so you don’t want to distract yourself way from the focus on your beat.

An interval timer, is just two countdown timers.

the first is your workout duration, and the second timer is how much you are allowed to rest.

You configure the two to cycle a number of rounds, so 10 rounds of 1 minute workouts, and 2 minutes rests, marks a 30 minute workout.

You are no doubt aware that protein is needed to grow muscle, but what you may not know, is that there is no workout without trail mix.

Yes, the dreaded carbohydrates, are back on the menu.

Trail mix eliminates the two hour wall, so as you extend your workout towards two hours, you will need it.

You will also need an electrolyte drink mix, especially during hot summer days, but read up about salt first.

Finally, in summary, don’t push your body, don’t punish it, because then it enters a “I need to stop mode”, and that makes you plateau.

Your body just wont adapt, because your exercise, however painful, is just too short to make a difference.

You have to stay maximally under the “stop radar”, where your body will not stop you, and adapt instead.

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