Obesity As A Launchpad To Greatness – Remodeling Your Kitchen, Power Walking, And Hiking
Obesity As A Launchpad To Greatness – Remodeling Your Kitchen, Power Walking, And Hiking

Wednesday • September 18th 2024 • 8:07:35 pm

Obesity As A Launchpad To Greatness – Remodeling Your Kitchen, Power Walking, And Hiking

Wednesday • September 18th 2024 • 8:07:35 pm

“By the time a fat man turns to bone, the skinny guy will be long gone” -- My Grandma

Obesity is not a problem, if you fix it right now, and yes, this will come at a great cost.

But the reward of perfect laughter, with all the gods, is priceless.

This text will ask you to go beyond unique, and become an extraordinary person.

People, including your family will come, and tell you to stop, and get a job, and go on a diet.

Ignore them, unless they are legendary beings, precisely like the philosophers, ignore them.

Obesity is a kiss of death, and that is not something you gamble with.

Take extraordinary measures immediate, grow all the way up and become a legendary great being.

One you transform and cure yourself from this deadly disease, you will make your money by helping others to follow.

Both in person, and through materials, that you will create with the aid of AI.

Your ordinary life ends now, before consequences of obesity ruin your organs and body.

First of all, obesity is a longevity disease, in a word, there are no fat old people.

You are not going to make it to retirement age, for me it was blood clots.

Obesity will be inducing all kinds of events, your body is barely functional as it.

Pushing it, with overeating, will have it come down with all kinds of problems.

For me it was only a warning, and I took mine seriously.

When I say obesity is not a problem, I mean that it is a toothless warning.

It didn’t get you yet, so that is great.

But getting out of this fast, so that you don’t experience a real warning.

Will cost you, a lot.

My blood clot was in my lung, my lung was dying, you don’t want to experience that.

Let my experience alone, must serve as your warning.

To spare you, whatever is headed your way.

Lets just avoid it together, it will be awesome.

And you never end up in a hospital, you completely avoid the wretched place.

I am giving you, health, youth, audacity, wisdom.

Instead of a short life, of always struggling with the same damn curse.

It will cost you, a lot of effort.

But never hopelessness, never real pain.

What you are about to hear, is good art, meant to change your life for better.

Forget your career, child, you were never going to make it to retirement.

Our kind is too sensitive, we feel too much, we are built different.

You have to turn away from an ordinary existence, because you are not an ordinary person.

Empty your kitchen from all the appliances, drag them the hell out.

Put a plant in there, turn it a fitness zone installation.

But a bunch of used fitness crap, and make your kitchen look like a little gym.

You don’t need to use it, just create a reminder zone.

“No Burritos, No Taquitos, No Alfredo, Only Life, Love and Adventure”

Now that you don’t have a kitchen, you will need to use the Couch To 5K Jogging program.

To train your body to power walk, forget jogging for now.

Jogging is not perfect, all the fat gave you muscle, you want to develop them.

So power walking with dumbbells, is what you need to be thinking about.

And when you finally finish, power-walking through your first hour.

You either double it, or get a weight vest.

You may also consider pseudo-jogging, it is like a supper-slow jog.

Always stay out in the nature, out in parks, in the rain, in the snow.

Get some nice boots, and use the snow, to make your legs stronger.

Plow, the downy flake,

You are not an ordinary person, you will never be like anybody else.

Your mind is asking you, to live above the common levels.

Don’t be scared of bodybuilding, don’t be scared of plowing snow.

Don’t be scared of acting different, ordinary people will never understand you.

You will fear you, or try to use you, or get mad at you, or cast yo away.

They don’t have the kiss of death, they will seldom understand.

Your ferocious battle, to burn fat, and keep it burning.

Makes you beautiful, to all the extraordinary people.

To your kind of people, the only ones who will ever understand you.

Your fat will fade fast, but, you must never celebrate.

Our kind does not celebrate, returning to normal.

As we may relapse, and celebrations only make the next attempt harder.

What we do celebrate, is moving past normal.

Please do not wait to convert your kitchen, before you start powerwalking.

Do not wait to master powerwalking, before the next step.

Which is buying a tent, a backpack, and a huge sleeping bag.

To this day I still sleep in mine, I am on my second one, and I fixed it many times.

You should buy your tent and sleeping bag, right now, as soon as possible.

Set it up in your living room, turn off the light, and play a nature sound video.

To simulate sleeping in the woods, it is not scary.

You also need to order your first journal, this is just for the first thoughts.

And make room for philosophy books, that is what you are, they are your kin.

Heir books are not just for wisdom, they will help you enter their culture.

The culture of Thinkers, Intellectuals, even the Knights, and The Lady And Gentleman.

They will hep you understand, why things happen the way they do.

As soon as you get your adventure legs, for which you will need trailmix, don’t forget that.

You need to begin section hiking, rather than through hiking the Triple Crown.

This is where you will write your books, you can use AI to shape them to perfection.

And you can even have it copy your voice, and get all the details right.

Your books are a path, for others to follow.

So that they too, can find their cure.

There is much more to life, than you think.

And these changes will ensure that you will have the time and mind to discover it all.

Once you are ready, and wise in the way of adventure, throughhike the Triple Crown, and publish your journals.

The universe made it so, that you can’t live an ordinary life, you can’t be an ordinary person.

You can only live an epic life, you can only become a legend.

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