Fun Fitness
Fun Fitness

Saturday • January 18th 2025 • 12:42:48 am

Fun Fitness

Saturday • January 18th 2025 • 12:42:48 am

Gym is good for when it is too cold, or too rainy, or it just gets dark too early, but it is not the primary way, or a very good one – it is true.

I live by a bicycle trail that takes me straight to a pier, one of the great lakes in Michigan, and they have grills out there.

It is an all day bicycle expedition, it is beautiful, fascinating, memorable, full of fun and joy, and love of life.

Bicycling for 14 hours, the equivalent of a fat tire bicycle at the gym, sucks – it is not enjoyable at all, you can’t even feed a cheerful seagull.

An all day bicycle expedition, is something you can totally pull off weekly, but doing the same at the gym, every week, would be awful.

Let me give you a simpler example, jogging in the snow when there is no ice, the first time I went, it started snowing, and snow was getting in my eyes.

But I got myself some inexpensive ski googles, and it became one of my most memorable jogs.

The road was full of cars, and I slowly jogged on a sidewalk, my goggles made be feel like I was running towards the south pole.

I felt like an inedibly handsome adventurer, and like with my bicycling, I did not run out of energy, or get distracted.

I was having a great time, and never forgot my snowy experience.

Just like I never forgot my field bicycle repairs, where you fix the squeaky pedals with a squirt of suntan lotion.

Or the one time, when I put up bathroom signs, on just about person sized electrical boxes that pop up along the bicycle trail.

At the gym, your fitness and bodybuilding is condensed and compressed, and if that is when you are starting, you run a great risk of giving up.

In short, you have to know what you are compressing and condensing.

Lack of the adventure wisdom, is the reason why people trick themselves into sets and reps and lifting heavy.

They don’t understand that 15 or even 30 seconds is not nearly enough, to tell the body, that new muscles are needed, that adaptation is required.

You need up to three hours per day, of non-stop weighted motion, no less than 5 days a week.

You see how that is just perfect for adventure, where you don’t see that as a challenge.

While crossing the Appalachian Trail with a hea vy backpack, there you don’t even feel like taking weekends off.

You just want to see, what is next.

Finally, and from the bottom of my heart, as today was a Sunny Winter day in Michigan.

Don’t just stand there lifting, don’t just walk, become a legend learn shuffle dancing, and dance! Especially in winter.

Whatever your fitness goals, dancing with light dumbbells will get you there faster.

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