The Curse Of The Universe: Why We Must End Ineffective Education
The Curse Of The Universe: Why We Must End Ineffective Education

Saturday • March 5th 2022 • 8:49:52 pm

The Curse Of The Universe: Why We Must End Ineffective Education

Saturday • March 5th 2022 • 8:49:52 pm

Unless we actively press for the advancement of Human Kind,
we will discover that we are regressing.

Like a ball kicked up a hill,
we will eventually make make our way back.

It takes three decades to catch on,
this is longer than most people care to pay attention.

Unless we are deliberately advancing forward at an urgent pace,
the bad things that can happen, will eventually happen.

Call it,
the Curse Of The Universe.

Call it,
Uneducated men think all the same.

Call it,
all pretenders can only hope to play a game.

Or call it,
the curse is such that nobody knows much.

And in fact those who advance tooth an nail,
often live in a warped world.

They will never discover,
all the miracles of being all too human.

They will instead function like pinball machines,
if this than that.

Their worlds have no color,
they are just endless chains of misconceptions and bad ideas.

Politicians in their lack of education,
misunderstood meaning of progress.

The scientists and philosophers,
took to thinking of our species, as "young".

And I lack the class that is necessary to prevent myself,
from noting, that that word is a euphemism.

But errors in our thinking continue all the way down,
the curse of lack of real education corrupts all our ideas.

The cheerful minds of great thinkers are sold,
long before it finally occurs to both sides that war is hell.

And politicians, just can't understand,
that warlords and dictators only emerge out of stupid they sew.

We must understand,
what real education is.

That it is a path that we each belong at,
and a path to Greatness.

That is fuel for wisdom,
and factory of thoughts that help us reason by subtle analogies.

We need to grasp that real education,
comes from storytellers.

That the very definition of real education,
emphasizes integration of all the unique answers and curiosities that each nobly holds.

That children can only learn,
on paths of great interesting challenges and colorful adventures.

That we each assume,
we have a good education.

Though few read books,
and most haven't even read one.

Though we know through and through,
memorization and cramming for tests wasn't an education...

Because we didn't learn anything in the process,
we pretend so hard that we force the your generation to repeat the same mistake.

To add insult to injury,
beneath our misunderstanding of what schools are.

Politicians have taken to believing,
that we are workers, and our job is to support the economy.

That in order for the world to get better,
we need to go back to the office and work a little harder...

We're all in this together after all,
they have a job, you have a job, do your job.

And hopefully you are the kind of a person,
that remembers to pursue happiness as well.

I dare say they call it,
freedom of choice.

Let us pull ourselves out of this,
by nothing more, than our own shoelaces.

The unique and productive futures,
that we can each reach when set free of poverty and small mindedness of our leaders.

We must begin by framing our unique greatness as an aim,
above all other aims.

Whereas question of why we are here is a silly question,
the question of the rise to our greatness is all this world has.

To aim for greatness,
is to accept the responsibility for outstanding self education.

By means of books and adventure.
and especially fine disregard for rule.

It means to build a path towards certain unity,
and away from hell-of-war and evil-of-hollow-leaders.

It means that the road to all those miserable things that can happen,
will fall to dust, as students rise above a malformed vision of the word...

And catch a glimpse of the future,
future where there simply is no poverty, where there are no borders.

Future that M.A.D. and uneducated men can't see,
because they don't see value in human life.

A Human, freed from poverty,
is a Human that eventually returns infinitely more.

The curse must be lifted,
what little we can do with out obscured visions.

The little ones will multiply,
until their children will see the future in full.

You are not a wage slave, you are not a servant,
you are all the hope the future has right now, and you are meant to Become A Great Being.

Go to the library, the travel and adventure section,
where you will find adventurers who share their minds and experienced.

Begin with the first book (or narrated book) on the top left,
and never stop, never stop learning.

Follow in the footsteps of your favorite writers,
until you too can write, until you too can add to your favorite section.

The aim is not an even at the height of your greatness,
but that you lived your life as a great being.

That you added to underline the importance,
of Humanity progressing towards the culture of greatness.

That you were seen, that you were heard, that you helped the little ones hope to be like you,
in your creativity, knowledge, wisdom, class, dignity, and greatness.