The Snack Bar
The Snack Bar

Saturday • June 20th 2020 • 7:35:09 pm

The Snack Bar

Saturday • June 20th 2020 • 7:35:09 pm

You know me, I am not one to complain,

but; every once in a while a little bird flies into my jogging lane.

She lands, and turns her head to look at me,

the moment she sees that I see...

...she starts hopping, moving much faster than me,

at first I thought she was trying to raise me as her baby.

But now I think she's only doing this, to mock me,

she's just sick of seeing me struggle from her tree.

For one, when she's done racing me,

she stops and just stares angrily.

Then she always takes off for my face,

it is really hard to duck when you are trying to focus on your pace.

I have a theory as to why she flies at me this way,

though I am afraid to say,


Some of the flies that catch me when I leave my yard,

you know, those little ones that are always trying to lick so hard.

Even after several miles... they kind of keep my pace,

kind of actually run circles around my face.

While, I bring most of the flies back,

the bird probably flies at me like this, to grab a snack.


I am now trying really hard to improve my pace,

to get all those creatures out of my face.

I run fast just as soon as I get out of my home.

maybe if I can outrun the flies the bird will leave me alone.