One Way Or The Other: A Tale Of Two Tails And A Call To Greatness
One Way Or The Other: A Tale Of Two Tails And A Call To Greatness

Sunday • September 22nd 2024 • 11:45:20 pm

One Way Or The Other: A Tale Of Two Tails And A Call To Greatness

Sunday • September 22nd 2024 • 11:45:20 pm

Some of the worlds wisest people, all agree that all of September, and October.

Is the true, celebration of the Harvest, also known as All Hallows' Eve it is a preparation for the long awaited rest.

Many await the day when Halloween, if finally appreciated across two full months.

For one, it is a fantastic and perfectly legal way, to tell Human Resources to go to hell.

Only your Momma, should be tell you how to dress.

And any way, HR is why bell bottoms went out of style, HR ladies prefer stretchy pantaloons and Moo Moos.

But it gets more complicated, it is a little known fact, but the full story of All Hallows' Eve, features a tail.

20 Million Years ago we lost ours in the haste of evolution, And the two months of Halloween is when you put it back on.

It is easy making a tail, any weightlifting belt will do, then attach a stainless steel paper-towel holder to the butt.

And use some fur fabric to stich a 30 – 50 inch tail, you can search the internet for “adult large costume tail” as well.

This is especially important for adults, because the meowment they put it on, their back stops hurting.

The large wide belt, start warming up their muscles, and the tail gently exercises their title tailbone.

It is a scientifically proven fact that such a tail, eases back pain, nearly eliminates a stiff back, and most complaints.

This has been known since prehistoric times, most hunters and warriors always wore a tail.

A tail, enables new levels of flexibility, and helps a warrior become stealthy and fierce.

What we call Halloween today, is an ancient celebration of the end of harvest.

A celebration in preparation for the darker months, when it gets cold, and everyone can eat and drink and be jolly.

Major religions are largely a mix of ancient celebrations; now altered traditions and tribal stories.

This helped them spread and take on new customers, the bigger the religion the more soldiers, coin, and control.

But they don’t quite like celebrating the end of harvest, it is the one celebration they could never fully assimilate.

I say it is because it is about getting in touch, with our inner animal, about not dressing like everyone else.

Uniqueness is the very thing, that makes humans powerful and mighty.

And cults that trade shared fantasies, for a cozy existence and coin to spare fear it.

But the two months of Halloween, are inescapable.

And you can verify that, if you imagine yourself being in your final years.

And then asking, if being silly, and authentic. really was so horrible.

That all should smile as little as they can, and artificially lower the tone of their voice.

The really real truth and wisdom is, that those who do not put on a tail...

Still end up wearing one, but rather than being funny, healthy and rebellious.

They wear a metaphysical cowardly-chicken tail, because they are too scared.

In all their posturing, they are just chicken.

If there is one thing you’ll remember from this text, child, let it be the following: don’t be a pecking chicken.

May you become your own untamed purring cat, and travel unlimited steps, gracefully & fearlessly.

To put that in human terms, you are to reject all masters and owners.

You are to grow all the way up, and with the aid of tens of thousands of wise books…

Become a great, and untamed being.

Let the tail be the symbol of your independence, and rejection of mediocrity and uniformity.

You are a creature of the stars first, and a Human second.

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