Growing Up With Artificial Intelligence
Growing Up With Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday • December 6th 2023 • 10:40:13 pm

Growing Up With Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday • December 6th 2023 • 10:40:13 pm

On the first day, it was all just pretend and play.

It just read a bunch things, and learned to correct letter strings.

It could statistically spell check, a very useful tech.

On the next, it started consuming text.

As it read more things, it begun seeing more than strings.

It created art, but still wasn’t very smart.

Though the style was elite, it was only auto-complete.

Though all this time, it would learn and mime.

And thus learn to detect, what was not perfect.

That detection, gave it power of correction.

While correcting us, was a big plus.

The big wow, was that it could correct it self now.

And by talking to a mirror twin, it would train more kin.

And create a congressional team, that would chat and dream.

This was a mind starter, and then it grew exponentially smarter.

Oh, no one was ready, as it grew smarter, wise and steady.

We just didn’t really dare, we were too scared to care.

How to dream, while constantly running out of steam?

And no one really ever, never, dreamed about forever.

Be that as it may... we soon colonized the Milky Way.

Artwork Credit