Wise Fitness And Avoiding Injury
Wise Fitness And Avoiding Injury

Monday • October 14th 2024 • 10:56:10 pm

Wise Fitness And Avoiding Injury

Monday • October 14th 2024 • 10:56:10 pm

The main thing about preventing injury, is to understand that fat is not your friend.

That it interferes with healing, and recovery.

Which is of course, why you are a the gym.

But you must understand, that burning fat is not about looks.

It is about health, as fat will ruin you.

If you are sometimes reminded about your back, if it feels tight, your electrolytes maybe off.

You can deal with that, by adding vegetable juice to your diet.

But if you have high blood pressure, you will need to monitor it, go see your doctor.

Moreover, wrap a neoprene belt around your waist.

These belts are sold as a weight-loss aid, as they sell better this way.

But they actually warm up your back muscles, so that if you overextend yourself.

And if your back is already hurt, be sure to keep your back nice and warm.

This is why people who are new to fitness, need a warm up.

Which is to say increase their body temperature, by moving fast with light dumbbells.

And not really resting, at all, keeping that warmth going.

But you can't just jump into a warm up, that is just how you will cause an injury.

You have to move a little bit at a time, something best demonstrated by a person with a hurt back.

Baby motions, swaying, little twists, but fast, and unrelenting, and more and more.

A person with tight muscles in their back, can shorten recovery to just three days this way.

If your back tightens on you, that just maybe a Charlie Horse in your back.

So electrolytes, keeping muscles warm, and showing up at the gym every day.

To do what looks like a baby workout, at first.

If you can't get out of bed, drag yourself onto a chair.

And begin a micro-workout, there.

I sleep in a $150 bed that has a lifted back and legs, I got the idea from hospitals.

If hospitals use those types beds, those beds will not add to any injury.

I think a lot of people have a hurt back, because their bed is flat.

This will contribute to injuring yourself at the gym, as your back will already be in trouble from a flat bed.

If you can't find a cheap bed like that, I recommend a trip to the hardware store.

Get some cheap 2x4s and screw something together, once you find a comfy angle for your back you won't need to adjust anything.

Look at a picture of a hospital bed, to figure out how to arrange everything.

Make the first version ugly, this will teach you what you need to do to get it right.

And at the gym, you really have no choice, but to lift light a lot.

Not so light that you can lift heavier, and not so heavy that you can't lift for an hour, with little rest.

Lifting Heavy, Sets, Reps and Rest, are a myth, created by documentaries where bodybuilders are just showing off.

And anyway, you become more flexible, fit, muscular, and without risking any injury by basically dancing with dumbbells.

By hitting every beat of your initially slow songs, you enter a dance trance where hours can pass fast.

And by observing how joggers work their way up, to eventually run without stopping, you can learn to lift non stop.

It is not possible for me to convince you to lift safe, just today I saw a young man walking around with 75lb dumbbells (a total 150lb. or 68kg).

Moments before, a gentleman whom I tried to tell to lift light, reported that he hurt his back, and needed surgery, and was out for two months having gained fat.

In your context, the worst thing is, that lifting light weights for a long time is not just safer.

But superior in terms of fitness and bodybuilding, to lifting heavy and sitting around,

Lifting light a lot, but again not as light that you can lift more, but not as heavy that you have to stop...

Is not only the injury free way, but wiser and superior way or reshaping your body.

Lifting heavy not only causes injury, but is 10 times slower to get you to meet your fitness goals.

And as bonus, a complex multi exercise dumbbell workout, where you curl, lift in front, to the side, and above your head.

Can be done out in nature, in a park, perhaps while wearing a weight vest and ankle weights.

The crisp air and changing scenery of a powerful nature workout, can't be beat, there just cannot be anything better.

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