Avoid The Fitness Myths: It Is Not About How Heavy You Lift, But How Long You Lift Your Heavy For
Avoid The Fitness Myths: It Is Not About How Heavy You Lift, But How Long You Lift Your Heavy For

Saturday • July 6th 2024 • 12:32:23 am

Avoid The Fitness Myths: It Is Not About How Heavy You Lift, But How Long You Lift Your Heavy For

Saturday • July 6th 2024 • 12:32:23 am

It could just be, that the world of fitness and bodybuilding, is full of myths, as bad or worse than Faith Healing, and Homeopathy.

Your life depends on your health, listening to the wrong advice, maybe as bad as taking up smoking, in the sense that it shortens your life.

People are very fanatical about two big front-facing concepts, aerobic and anaerobic exercise, and sugar, saying that it must be avoided.

You have to start your bodybuilding with aerobic exercise, as that is where you earn the endurance necessary to lift for long enough to transform.

And you need to eat dried fruits and nuts, and at the same time, so that your body can handle weightlifting, you need soggy trail mix in your system.

So, people who cut their circulation of during exercise, as well as those who avoid all kinds of sugar, are wrong.

And now that you know this, you have to test which way works, I suggest you test trail mix and endurance based weigh lifting first.

What people don’t seem to understand, is that starting bodybuilding, by jogging with three pound dumbbells for an hour or three.

Will naturally, force you to slow down as you move to, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20.

Your jog at 20 lb per hand, will approach proper weightlifting, and beyond that you will slow down to a crawl, even if just to protect your back.

Which brings us to a very rebellious body building statement, in deed, because you should treat your body as a single muscle.

Until, you think about competing, and then on top of your massive body, and on top of your multi-hour endurance workout, you can isolate some areas.

And better sit down for this one, because what I am saying means, that you only need dumbbells for bodybuilding.

And no higher than 20, for that first, single muscle phase, where you let your muscles grow naturally in proportion.

Which brings us to the quick introduction to fast bodybuilding, and you are incredibly lucky, to be alerted to trail mix.

Trail mix will have you avoid many years of brain fog, and unnecessary body aches – it is such a powerful source of energy, I am speechless.

To start you need to learn to jog, and this will teach you how to grow muscle, you will witness your legs transforming.

And then you just take it from there, gradually eliminating rest, for a smooth run, and then slowly increasing your dumbbells,

But by no more, than two pounds and a half, per hand, I call that water weight, and it will never overwhelm you as you make your way up top 20.

If you are lucky to have a gym with a dance floor, learn shuffle dancing, also with dumbbells, it is simple, and classy.

If you are large, work your way up to 3 hours per day, 5 or 7 days a week, don’t skip days, unless you have a reason.

Because you are starting with just jogging, this won’t overwhelm your body, as it will have plenty of time to adapt, and help you learn about hydration and nutrition.

Get an interval timer, perhaps an open source app, and try to close your rest gaps that way, as you hit every beat to pop speed songs.

But during your initial phase, when you still have light weights, and especially if you are large, work your way up to 170 BPM songs (that’s about 80 lifts per minute.)

Don’t blindly follow advice, not mine, not anybody else’s, stage a series of experiments to see what works.

And avoid errors, don’t give up on trail mix too early, as I did, instead increase the amount, and have it replace your other meals.

If you hear something, that does not have a model in reality, like trail-mix does, where hikers swear by it in their own endurance madness.

Leave it for last, if it is relatively new like peptides, or tastes like a mike shake, it probably does not do anything, and my have too much bare sugar that will give you a headache.

Listen, don’t walk into a gym, and sit down, learn to slowly jog with dumbbells for two hours.

And then walk into the gym, and make it more difficult, to challenge your body to adapt.

The only constant in your workouts, must be gently increasing complexity, so that your body has the time to gradually adapt.

You are not going to lift light, you are only lifting light, because that is what you can do for three hours straight at the moment.

And before you known it you will be increasing by 2.5lb again, your days of jogging will end pretty fast, as you replace them with fast lifting.

But the hours long duration of your lifting will stay, thus you will send much stronger signals for adaptation, than those who do sets and reps for a few minutes.

Either way please pay attention, if you are stopping because your circulation is getting cut off, if that is all it is, then shape it off, and continue lifting.

You want to converse with your muscles, not just circulation betting cut off shutting you down.

As to doing it the way everyone else does it, and expecting different results, that is a tall order, that will probably not work.

You’ll get exactly what everyone else got, instant plateau as they lift too heavy, and thus never work out long enough for their body to even hear them.

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