Gentile Dedys
Gentile Dedys

Saturday • August 24th 2024 • 12:31:53 am

Gentile Dedys

Saturday • August 24th 2024 • 12:31:53 am

The one thing that you won’t be able to do, is become a great being in the last moment.

Geniuses are the same way, you can’t become a genius at the last minute.

Ladies and Gentlemen, again, same way,

A king could declare a Nobleman, but never make, a Gentleman.

As that requires, a history of ennobling deeds, or Gentile Dedys.

The seemingly easy example, is of course cramming before a test.

Compared to actually, learning and comprehending something.

But, that is in fact not a good analog, to becoming a great being.

You are being coerced into inventing cramming, that is why you are being passed along so easily.

Real and effective education, along with functional knowledge.

Has been turned make believe, though the teacher still takes a real paycheck home.

Here is the punch line, had you grew up in a culture of dignity.

You would reject cramming, and the teacher’s fraud would fail.

The principal, could even get fired.

Maybe the school, would lose accreditation and funding.

Pending an alternative that, does work.

Allow me to digress, the alternative…

Is replacing High School, with Programming School.

Where your first integrated projects, would be about Simulating and Visualizing Complexity.

Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Relativity, Astrobiology.

An in the worst ways too, as it would be done in a way you could not resist.

Old School Game Development, that would include publishing and sales.

And later, startup crafting, and frankly, turning the tables on investors.

As you are the future, not the ghouls.

I hope you can see how memorizing, “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”.

Is actually an insult to you, whatever you can’t simulate and visualize...

Is just atoner piece to the puzzle, of the fraud of ineffective education.

To return to the subject, let us take back the West Point motto.

A Human being, will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate any of those who do.

This phrase does not belong to the cadets, it belongs to all the world's Human Beings.

It is a considerable part, of the dynamic, that results in a history of ennobling deeds.

So you see, getting an A+, an excellent GPA, and great career outlook.

Is bait, above all, so that everyone looks like they are working.

But there are a lot of noisy layers beneath that, and those feed all the opportunists in the system.

A quick example is, an expensive university, that allows transfers from cheap colleges.

To rubber stamp their education, mark the as University Graduates.

This does wonders for worthless colleges, who for two or more years milk the students dry.

For those of you who maybe shocked, or hate conspiracies.

There are multiple global religious institutions, they are hiding crimes, and are anti science.

They all want the same thing, the thing that extremist religions are getting.

You don’t witness it, as they make their moves across generations.

One of the mechanics here, is that they group voters together.

They harmonize them, creating cognitive dissonance.

And then a politician, premises whatever they all want.

And they all vote, on that politician.

Or maybe do a bit of shuffling, by creatively dropping out from the races.

If you think religion, is an easy example.

Well, Pharmaceutical Companies, will price drugs to maximize profit.

The prices will be set against, human well being.

Don’t be offended, by the idea, that your High School and College will screw you.

Just be honest with yourself, and don’t tolerate those who lie, cheat, or steal.

And I think, it helps, not to see programming as another subject.

For example, Reading and Writing, are not mere subjects.

They are platforms, without which you are disadvantaged.

That is the case with programming, programmers are not geniuses.

Though they may hope to pain that picture, to feel special.

Programming is for all, and you learn it on your own.

From text tutorials, and tutorial videos.

And as with reading and writing, after you master it.

You can go learn, everything else.

And with Visualization and Simulation, your education will be magnificently functional.

And you don’t have to go into medicine or science, just make applications, some of which will make it big.

And here you can just stay in the realm of Art, programs that help portraits painters.

By projecting outlines and colors on a canvas, with a wall projector.

Many people want to master painting, by just painting a a thousand pet portraits.

And a wall projector would ensure that, from the beginning.

This would fund their mastery, a portrait att a time.

Until eventually, their portraits would be even better.

Without a projector, just free hand.

And you can’t write this application, without learning programming.

And you can’t learn programming, when you are tolerating a cheater that forces you into cramming.

Into ineffective education, that takes you nowhere.

As a person of authenticity and dignity, you also reject the lesser authority figures.

You reject the moment someone says they have a beer, or that you are already old enough to drink or smoke.

And many other things that crappy people push you into, just so that they can wallow some more without felling regret.

Authenticity and Dignity emerge, just as soon as you reject mediocrity and the status quo.

You are never lonely, keeping company with Sir Ken Robinson, Christoper Kitchens, Bill Bryon, Socrates, Nietzsche, Rand, and so on.

You listen to them with your heart, the only way to comprehend wisdom and books.

Since in your gentleness you would never do a deed of wrong, the Ideal of Knighthood becomes reborn within you.

Already, back in the 14th century, Knights wrote, how the gentle folk of the world were asleep.

Well a knight, has promises to keep, before they sleep.

Lady or Gentleman, and how could you ever feel alone amongst Philosophers and Knights.

In a life of Gentile Dedys growing all the way up, becomes natural, and your lasting legacy; is really just a side effect.

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