Bodybuilding For Young Ladies
Bodybuilding For Young Ladies

Thursday • September 12th 2024 • 12:41:46 am

Bodybuilding For Young Ladies

Thursday • September 12th 2024 • 12:41:46 am

“Every young lady must embrace strength and vigor, for a robust body fosters a robust mind.” -- Abraham Lincoln

Above all it is very easy to build muscle, it is pretty much what we evolved to do.

The reason why it seems challenging, is because the gym-bros are doing it wrong.

And will keep doing it wrong, because they are scared to do something different.

Ignore them, and their advice, and sets and reps, and their sitting around all the time.

Now, you are going to need a weight west, and wrist, and leg weights.

You can get a neoprene vest, or, a tacti-cool one, an armored plate carrier with a non ballistic weight plate.

And you have to wear the darn things, almost all the time.

The biggest secret in bodybuilding, is that the bod bodybuilders get a head start with childhood obesity.

Fat is heavy, all the moving around across many years, builds muscle.

You must always start with lightest weights first, if you put on too much, you will hurt your muscle.

If you gradually add weight, you will give your muscles time to adapt.

The main workout is jogging with light dumbbells, and the main thing is doing it non stop for an hour.

You may need an interval timer, to slowly eliminate rest periods, and work your way up to a non stop hour.

But the duration of your dumbbell exercise, and the fact that it is non stop, is more important than the weight you carry.

If you can’t lift your dumbbells for an hour, then your dumbbells are too heavy.

Again this is where the gym-bros screw up, pumping iron taught them to lift heavy.

But heavy means that you can’t add extra pounds as weights are 5lb apart, and if you add wrist weights, you still can’t lift it for long enough.

This does not mean that you should lift too light, if something feels flimsy, then you are too strong for it.

Lifting weight you are too strong for, does not build muscle, just flexes them.

You should lift your dumbbells for as long as you can, and switch to a different dumbbell exercise to rest your muscles.

You can just do biceps, and shoulders, which are done by lifting dumbbells above your head.

Weight Vest, wrist weights, leg weights, interval timer, light dumbbells…

And get thick socks to protect your feet from the inside of your shoe, more importantly, wear flat shoes, called zero drop.

Lifted sport shoes will eventually hurt your heel, they must be flat, and you may wish to look into a wide toe box as well.

You need slow music, and yo have to synchronize your lifting with it, you must move to the beat of your songs, to enter a dance trance.

And as you get more fit, you should find faster songs, and maybe consider some shuffle dance tutorials, though not on rubber flooring.

If you are worried about your phone getting corroded from moisture, get headphones with a built-in mp3 player that takes an sd or tf card.

You can ask AI about bodybuilding diet, but I recommend trail mix, though yo have to pay close attention to the calories, as that is not a snack food.

If you want to lose weight, go hiking, it will be faster than fitness, bodybuilders do not lose weight, they gain it, because muscles are heavier than fat.

If you get brain-fog it means you are doing something wrong, not enough calories, or not enough hydration.

You need to replace what is lost by sweating, so find a cheap sports drink or drink vegetable juice (which can be hard on the stomach)

Bodybuilding is just and endurance driven activity, where yo gradually increase intensity, and wait for your to body adapt.

Finally, get outside, job with dumbbells, light by a lake, please, invent cross country bodybuilding, if have time.

The gym is a boring place, build an outdoor gym, play loud music, shuffle dance wearing tacticool camo plate carriers.

I am not sure if the world needs buff young ladies, but you shouldn't let that stop you.

I think you should tell the world to shove it, and throw some lemons at it, or something.

Lastly, while wearing your weighted vest, it is customary to call everyone Bro, your dad, grandma, mom, little sister, pet cat: all Bro!

And if you want to say something nice, say “Hey Bro, you are totally jacked”, or “Looking swole today, Bro!”.

And you have to frequently growl and grunt, or purr - if you must.

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