Sitting At The Gym
Sitting At The Gym

Monday • March 17th 2025 • 7:42:53 pm

Sitting At The Gym

Monday • March 17th 2025 • 7:42:53 pm

Sitting at the gym, is something you must eliminate.

It is a very reliable signal, that whatever you are doing is not a real workout.

The way you can understand this, is to visualize an old lady, who bought too many groceries.

Now she must carry some pretty heavy stuff, back home.

She can stop to let her circulation reset, to stretch her back, to gobble up one of the soups.

But, not for more than 45 seconds, because she is in a hurry.

If this lady has a better workout than you, then your workout does not even compare, to a good sale.

If you are young, imagine dancers at a dance club, or ravers, or an Area 51 invasion.

If those people are sweating more than you, than your workout hardly compares to dancing and troublemaking.

Elderly walkers at the mall, long distance dog walkers.

Bicyclists, that have to go up a hill, a fat tire bike rider plowing the snow.

Builders working hard to carry concrete, to their build site, are other examples.

If you are doing less than they are, then whatever you are doing will do nothing for you.

I understand that you think lift heavy is a workout, but that is false.

It is a myth, where everyone is wrong, including books, instructional videos, and famous bodybuilders even.

If you see a bodybuilder sit, they are just showing off.

They lift heavy to show hos strong they are, they sit hard to show how hard their workout was.

Your gym class teacher, was the same as math or chemistry teachers.

They make stuff up, force you to cram, so that they get paid with minimum effort.

A real workout, is stupidly simple, but it does evolve if you want more muscle.

It starts with walking long distance, to train your body to walk non stop.

Then you lean to very slowly jog, also for an hour, thus upgrading your walk.

You will see lots of changes, you will gain muscle, burn fat, and become more flexible.

And then once you can slowly jog for an hour, you learn to jog with 3 pound dumbbells.

And then once you are able to handle 3lb. For one hour, you you begin slowly jogging with 5lb.

And when you can handle that, go to 7.5, and here, as your muscles become pronounced.

You can go to the gym, and convert your slow jog, to equally or more challenging motion.

Around 10lb, it becomes challenging to jog, you start flexing and twisting and turning, and power walking.

Synchronize with music, and pick slower songs, as you first lift heavier dumbbells.

And then slowly return to normal speed at about 120 bpm, which is 60 lifts per minute, one beat up, next beat down.

You will look very strange, it is true, but that is not because you are wrong.

But because everyone else is, here, you double or triple your workout duration.

Dress nice, design your own Wresting Singlet, because you are only this young once.

And learn proper dance moves, to inject cardio into your lifting.

You see non-stop duration, comes first, and then you lift from the beginning.

Though always keeping a watch, and checking if your body has adapted for a greater challenge.

Never lift so light that you can lift more, and never so heavy, that you are forced to stop.

Please be careful, if you start in the middle of the dumbbell rack.

Your body will never get the signal to adapt, because you won’t be able to lift it for as long as an hour.

The heavy weight will cut your circulation off, you will fail to send a clear message to your body.

And as you guessed by now, it is only standing dumbbell exercise.

All the machines, are either fantasy, a sales pitch, give you muscles you will never use and thus instantly lose.

Or endanger you, even with the safeties.

The worst thing, is that by sitting, of laying down, your back does not get a workout.

Coming to a gym should encourage all muscles to develop, but here you are, tricked into the strange idea of muscle isolation.

Where the muscles you need in your daily life, atrophy, because you are sitting, or laying down.

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