The Uncorking Of The Pipeline Of Wisdom; Or; Beautiful Adventure And Cheerful Storytellers vs. The Fake Education Ecosystem
The Uncorking Of The Pipeline Of Wisdom; Or; Beautiful Adventure And Cheerful Storytellers vs. The Fake Education Ecosystem

Saturday • September 2nd 2023 • 11:00:28 pm

The Uncorking Of The Pipeline Of Wisdom; Or; Beautiful Adventure And Cheerful Storytellers vs. The Fake Education Ecosystem

Saturday • September 2nd 2023 • 11:00:28 pm

There is no substitute for effective, enabling, and functional education, nor is it possible to learn much under the thereat of punishment or low GPA.

As with the other blight that grasped humanity for thousands of years, standardized education will largely remain unchanged.

Only making promises, for after it is already too late to back out, or turn things around.

Fundamentally, a very easy explanation for this kind of clustered corruption, is that it exists, because that is the only thing that can exist in this large area.

Corruption grows because it is fed, while being easy, brainless, and low effort – or automatic.

It is unimportant what role our genetic predispositions play into this, are we blind in the face of whatever our elders are blindly propagating?

Maybe, but this is not the question we should be asking, as that will only end up in feeding the corruption some more.

If the issue of effective versus ineffective education could come up, and it can’t due to sentiment analysis on whatever platform you are hearing this.

Then if ever hard pressed, standardized education would simply fly the banner: “Teach The Controversy” borrowing from the other church.

Trying to fix standardized education, is like walking into a nuclear plant, becoming upset, that the nuclear material is just boiling water into steam.

That the whole damn thing turning the magnets that generate electricity, is a god damn steam engine – and then trying to fix it.

You can’t do that, the nuclear plant exists because it is a simple steam engine, standardized education exists, because everyone gets paid for little more than showing up.

You can’t fix it, you have to start from scratch – if you have the technology.

And in just about the last 10 years, narrated books, became accessible enough to be that new kind of technology.

But education here, is not divided into subjects.

A stupid idea to begin with, that only helped to defraud the students of their futures.

Narrated book driven education transfers worthy wisdom, that worth is evaluated by all the world’s clear thinking intellectuals.

Intellectuals who come from all the different corners of human reality, of the human condition.

That leaves only own detail, the uncorking of the pipeline of wisdom, helping young people out of stress towards serenity…

Where that wisdom can easily transfer, and that means a life of adventure.

To defraud humanity, schools and religion have to build up a lot of momentum, including threats; and miracles, such as saints, geniuses, and impressions of success and education.

But reality is more elegant, it is just vacations, and cheerful storytellers that make everyone laugh while sharing their wisdom.