The Pet To Get; Or, A Tiny Step Towards Working With Animals
The Pet To Get; Or, A Tiny Step Towards Working With Animals

Tuesday • June 27th 2023 • 11:24:13 pm

The Pet To Get; Or, A Tiny Step Towards Working With Animals

Tuesday • June 27th 2023 • 11:24:13 pm

We need to talk about cats, because they are not domesticated.

Cats are incredibly intelligent, basically as smart as you.

Except they pay attention. to different things.

For one, they want you to be fit.

They are powerful hunters, and expect you to be an athlete as well.

In fact when a cat brings you a mouse, it is not a compliment!

But rather a powerful commentary, on you being out of shape – Yikes!

As to dogs, cats don’t like it when you keep baby dogs.

So basically any dog, that remains childish throughout.

Is a judgment on you, cats will tolerate a large wolf, or a wise husky.

But unfortunately, a bouncy dog…

Will make your cat, think less of you.

Again, basically, is a proud and powerful Lion.

They don’t see their own small size, as making them less.

Cats see their petite size, as a powerful advantage in battle.

Look I can’t speak for all cats, but most are very judgmental.

They can smell fear, when you watch scary movies.

And they think, you may have issues.

When electricity goes out, they know that you get scared.

And they can extrapolate that, because they are such powerful hunters.

And in their incredibly powerful smarts, they can see what will happen…

If electricity stays off, if the fridge stops working.

If the car stops running, the roads never get fixed.

The packages never arrive, the food isn’t delivered in a plastic container.

Again cats are powerful hunters, and this kind of thinking is their meow.

When they give you a dead mouse, they are telling you, something.

An they are asking, what is your plan?

Why do you keep getting fat? What is with all the snacks.

A cat instinctively knows, that each day we get older.

And that means each day, we must get more buff.

We must workout harder, to increase-our endurance.

And your cat, in order to respect you…

Needs to see, that you have a solid survival plan.

And at the very least, needs see you can gather enough berries, that won’t make you sick.

To survive, day after day.

When your kitty cat gets fat, it is their way of trying to tell you…

What you look like to them, they can lose weight just fine, in a snap.

They are a powerful survive, but they are just asking: can you?

Please, understand, that your kitty cat’s seriousness is wisdom.

They are a powerful hunter, and for them survival is their art.

Just look a the results, to see how powerful cats are.

Are there more lions, or house cats?

This shows you, how smart they are.

If you are too scared of wolves, who always think strategically like no one else.

Of huskies, who don’t even try to hide, their incredible human like intelligence (see internet videos).

And cats are just too wise for you, after all they are the true Queens and Kings of the Animal kingdom.

Then there is one more animal, that often will not be so hard on you.

So as long as you can keep them happy, and they wish to be pampered, and well fed.

While they are just as intelligent as wolves, they have an incredible sense of humor…

And will try to get you all the time, so you will need a great sense of humor, or else.

They do appreciate binge watching videos, and kisses.

But you should also know, that they are deeply philosophical in nature.

They don’t laugh all the time, they love to think, as well.

They are of course, the Raccoons.

And if you ever seen one in the wild you are already aware of their smarts and humor.

Finally, you can never really own a pet.

And the best way to go about this, is not to keep one at home, where they get lonesome.

But to work with animals, to actually turn your love into a career.

You can become a veterinarian, or run a pet shelter, or just donate your time.

You can also help the local population, by building shelters for them.

Especially during cold winters, ask people who work with with animals what you can do to help.

Having animal friends, is one of the greatest responsibilities in life.

You have to know everything, about the kind of an animal that you are taking care of.

And above, learn to interpret their language.

Animals are not less than us, we are equally complex.

We’ve been evolving, for the same amount of time.

We just have different interests, different curiosities.

Please, don’t make the mistake of thinking, that animals aren’t learning new things day.

And certainly don’t think, that they aren’t getting smarter all the time.

Or that they can’t become wise, if they explore and learn for long enough.