Confusing Programming Can Be Pretty Colorful If You Build Everything Out Of Interesting Little Machines
Confusing Programming Can Be Pretty Colorful If You Build Everything Out Of Interesting Little Machines

Tuesday • November 29th 2022 • 11:11:09 pm

Confusing Programming Can Be Pretty Colorful If You Build Everything Out Of Interesting Little Machines

Tuesday • November 29th 2022 • 11:11:09 pm

Programming, is just about making and connecting little machines together.

The combination of the programming language, and all the helpful little tools you can make…

Create a microscope, a tool through which you can observe everything.

There is a danger of creating, spaghetti code.

But you can overcome it, by paying attention to simple solutions.

Another name for a simple solution, is an algorithm.

And that is also the reason, why software can get dumber overtime.

Smart programmers, will replace crazy and creative code.

With, simple solutions.

When you see fun features, being removed from a program.

It often means that the programming lead, is really mean, but also wise.

That is really the only thing, that can be done, when working with though code.

Get rid of as much as you can, and decorate what is left, with simple solutions.

Good programmers, write simple code from the beginning.

They will use simple and popular patterns, like tiles, like building blocks.

So what would have become spaghetti code, in the hands of a lovely and brilliant genius maniac.

Becomes a pretty patchwork of good ideas, of simple solutions.

Sometimes an algorithm, will come with things that the wise programmer never uses.

But they kind of stay there, because they are part of the algorithm,

That on a late Friday eve, and a tired mind, makes the program cleaner to read.

You end up having a lot of fun when flowing the complex code, through algorithms and solutions that you find particularly colorful.

Program managers may see ton of code, people who don’t care about simple algorithms will see dough folding in on it self.

But the coder, that stitched the patchwork of good an colorful ideas together...

Will see a colorful little city, full of interesting little machines, that they enjoy watching purr along.