Treat Standardized Education The Way It Treats You
Treat Standardized Education The Way It Treats You

Friday • January 24th 2025 • 11:44:38 pm

Treat Standardized Education The Way It Treats You

Friday • January 24th 2025 • 11:44:38 pm

In an ineffective education system, graduation marks the height of failure, it is as stained as ineffective education it self.

The only reason why you don’t understand the urgency, is because you genuinely do no not know what you are missing.

When you don’t know, you just follow, you will be left half blind to life, and with stress, overwork, and deep sadness.

You then mutter the same six words, that people who can still afford regret always mumbl: "How was I, supposed to know."

You were supposed to know, the moment you got your first bad grade, or the moment someone looked at you as lost cause, or damaged goods.

When an adult condemns you for any reason, you don’t bow to them, you reject them – you creature of the stars.

You don’t have a career, the cubicle was always a sham, and if you ever cross a liar, your reputation or prestige is the first to go.

All you’ve ever had, was your own mind, filled with your own curiosities.

That when answered, create a density of knowledge, that facts irrelevant to your aims or interests could never even point towards.

All it takes to destroy a civilization, is standardized education, which can only dumb it self down.

All it takes to get a solid grasp on science, ad develop a yearning for computation, be it on a computer or paper.

Is a long walk in the woods, with all the books, that the worlds clear thinking, non religions intellectuals love.

You get on the Appalachian Trail, after a few days discover a hunger for books…

And before you know it, you are captivated by Science Popularizes and Stroy Tellers…

But you have to be away from manipulators, liars, pretenders, and those who are inconvenienced by your existence.

You have to be you, unpunished be it poverty, teachers, or parents, and uninterrupted, be it overwork, stress, threat or some other poison.

Do you hear me, what you don’t know, is that you can’t get an education by being taught.

You have to lead the way, you have to walk the trails, you have to ask the AI, you cannot be told what to learn.

Being taught or coerced into memorization, gives your knowledge the consistency of foam.

Schools will sell you the least it takes, they will sell you, and impression of education.

Go, get you backpack, find a three season tent, and aim not to really return, until you listen to the top 150 life changing books.

You can’t rely on others in an uneducated world, you can’t rely on becoming an artist, or walking in on classes barefoot.

There is only one thing that can set you free from poverty for life, that you can keep for the incredibly long life ahead of you.

And you will not like it at first, but unlike Med or Law school, it is connected to everyone of your thoughts and curiosities.

Programming, simulating, controlling machines, automating, holding long conversation with AI bout code, and where you want to take it.

So as long as you dictate where you are going, becoming a programmer is the only thing compatible with Adventure.

Competent AI can run on your home computer, that represents a university of teachers and a universe of discoveries.

Unless you have a better idea, I suggest you treat standardized education, like the insult that it is.

You need a real education, knowledge density that only your mind can forge, you need to inherit the culture of greatnes from all who held it.

And you need to grow all the way up, until you to stand as a great being.

Do not gamble with the content of your mains and character, the house always wins.

You will be left facing either homelessness or overwork, with nothing inexhaustible in you, to wage a war against the two impostors.

Restart your education with thousands of books in your pocket, and Appalachian, Pacific Crest and Continental Divide trails as your friends.

Think like a warrior, think like a creature of the starts.

Rise to evey height, and learn, really learn, to no end.

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