Authentic Wealth Of Wisdom; Or, On The Importance Of Interconnectedness Of Knowledge
Authentic Wealth Of Wisdom; Or, On The Importance Of Interconnectedness Of Knowledge

Thursday • August 10th 2023 • 11:16:36 pm

Authentic Wealth Of Wisdom; Or, On The Importance Of Interconnectedness Of Knowledge

Thursday • August 10th 2023 • 11:16:36 pm

There is nothing to be gained, and everything to be lost; by forcing students to pretend to learn.

Real education starts with the student’s own curiosities, and allows them to select the path forward.

To divide education into subjects, and threaten the student with punishment, will prevent real education from taking root an blooming.

A human mind demands strong connections, between much smaller and detailed subjects.

Science popularizes, not teachers or textbooks, have gathered the largest collection of interesting facts.

The connections and unique paths the students will forge, will form a unique body of authentic and functional knowledge.

For example, a student may learn physics or biology, through computer programming and abstract simulation.

They may master mathematics by building ever more beautiful, electronic or computer based art installations.

If such a brilliant mind, is simply pushed into physics, biology, or mathematics, they will be pushed away, from an authentic education.

Under the threat of punishment, such as being held back, or sent back, or graded down, or a low GPA, or being laughed at, or bullied, of thought of as stupid.

In context of today’s education, the only choice the student has, is to pretend to learn, as not to ruin their future.

Tricking an inexperienced young person into tolerating bullies, or thinking that their mind is not as good as others, comes at a great price.

Spending years pretending to learn by memorizing, creating worthless mnemonics, learning to cram.

Even using drugs, to temporarily enhance memory, or medicate the incredible stress and dread, that fake education causes.

Will severely limit a perfectly capable mind, convincing the student, that they are just not good enough.

What we have today are not schools, we have factories where teachers force brilliant minds into fake education.

Students who stand up for the broken system, because every once in a while they do experience real education.

Should understand, that in real school, real education is a constant unbroken chain of beautiful experiences.

Just a handful, is just more fraud, a low effort justification, that never connect to anything else.

Only self driven education, can create that unbroken chain of intricately connected knowledge.

And only deeply connected knowledge, can serve as a stepping stone to the next plateau of knowledge.

Each student must rise to their own height, it is only from those sunlit mountain peaks…

That the new generations can make their greatest, longest lasting, most meaningful, and positive contributions to our kind.

Finally, the closest the younger students can get to authentic education, is searing the library for meaningful non-fiction narrated books.

And taking those books to the great adventure trails, hiking, and camping, where their minds can recover from the threats that schools pose…

And begin comprehending those books, as the new adventurers read and re-read them.

The books held in high esteem by all the world’s intellectuals, contain more than just brilliant knowledge.

They also contain the class and greatness of their authors, which the students cannot help but to inherit along with the knowledge.

There is a vast intellectual inheritance awaiting every student at the library, no number of ineffective education diplomas will ever compare to an authentic wealth of wisdom.

Real education is not just about career or success, almost all of it is about class, wisdom, and greatness out in real life.

Where our body of knowledge, and resulting decision making, matters the most.